
French is the most widely taught and spoken language in the world. It is the o cial language in 29 countries, it is one of the o cial languages in the US, Belgium, Canada and Switzerland. Top MNCs have their o ces in France and France is the leading investor in the US, which will explain learning French will increase job opportunities and earning capacity. In De Sales Language Academy, we provide 120 hours of French Language training.

Why one should Learn French :
● To get admissions in Universities
● To get part time and full time work visa
● To apply for internships
● To get dependent Visa
● To become a French language translator
● To become a French Language Trainer
● To work as a customer interaction executive in MNCs
● Cost of learning French in India is lesser

Levels of French Language
French language levels are divided in the below categories based on CEFR standards. CEFR is short for the “Common European Framework of Reference”, which is a system used in Europe to make language learning and assessment easier.

Levels Course Content
A1 Basic - Starter Learn Alphabets, numerals. Learn to recognise and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes. Self Introduction. To ask and answer basic questions about home, family, surroundings, etc. To communicate in a basic way when the other person speaks slowly and clearly, and is ready to repeat or reformulate to help communication.
A2 Elementary Learn to understand isolated phrases and common expressions related to personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work etc. Learn to communicate during easy or habitual tasks requiring a basic and direct information exchange on familiar subjects. learn to describe one's surroundings and communicate immediate needs using simple words and sentences.
B1 Intermediate Learn to understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar subjects in work, school, leisure activities, etc.Learn to manage in most situations that come up when traveling. Learn to use a simple and cohesive text on familiar subjects or subjects of personal interest. Learn to narrate an event, an experience or a dream; describe a desire or goal, and outline reasons or explanations behind a project or idea
B2 Upper intermediate Learn to understand the main ideas of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical article in the area of expertise. To communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency during a conversation with a native speaker, to speak in a clear, detailed way on a number of subjects; express an opinion on current affairs, giving the advantages and disadvantages of the various options
C1 Advanced - Expert Learn to understand a wide range of long and complex texts, to use the language effectively and fluently in a social, professional or academic context. to speak in a clear, organized way about complex subjects, developing a well-structured argument.
C2 Mastery Can effortlessly understand almost everything he or she reads or hears. Capable of a coherent summary of events or arguments from oral or written sources. Can express precisely in a spontaneous, fluent way, conveying finer shades of meaning precisely.
French Course Duration

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batch & other details

A1 120 Hours
A2 120 Hours